Uploads by E0271462

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:41, 30 April 2022 Setup e0271462.jpeg (file) 2.25 MB   2
13:28, 30 April 2022 E0271462 3 plates.png (file) 1.13 MB   1
07:07, 30 April 2022 E0271462 rec shield emit.png (file) 9 KB   1
07:06, 30 April 2022 E0271462 actual emit meas setup.png (file) 9 KB   1
05:54, 30 April 2022 E0271462 receiver and card.jpeg (file) 2.1 MB   1
05:41, 30 April 2022 E0271462 1card vs 2 card.png (file) 75 KB   2
05:35, 30 April 2022 E0271462 shielding vs distance.png (file) 100 KB   1
05:34, 30 April 2022 E0271462 actual emitter 1.png (file) 60 KB   1
05:10, 30 April 2022 E0271462 area vs freq.png (file) 46 KB   1
05:09, 30 April 2022 E0271462 thickness vs freq.png (file) 60 KB   1
04:35, 30 April 2022 E0271462 28holes.jpeg (file) 1.27 MB   1
04:34, 30 April 2022 E0271462 16holes.jpeg (file) 2.05 MB   1
04:34, 30 April 2022 E0271462 no holes.jpeg (file) 1.09 MB   1